
Welcome to This Odd House! I’m thrilled that you’re here! If it’s an ordinary day, our kids’ school books are probably strewn across the dining table. The mantel may or may not be dusted. But the door is open, and we can always put the kettle (or the coffee) on.

I’m Kelli Worrall—an author, speaker, and Professor of Communications at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. I’m married to my best friend, ally, and fellow MBI prof—Peter. And we have two children through adoption.

The title for the blog, This Odd Housecomes—in part—from the fact that I have always been a part of what you might call a “conspicuous family.”

Both of my parents were incredibly strong, tenacious, God-loving people, who also had cerebral palsy. They raised me well in so many ways for which I’m deeply grateful, however, we never talked about CP—or most other complicated topics, for that matter. Communication was not our strong suit. I had to learn later in life and in other places how to process well the more difficult things of life. In college and seminary, I studied Communications and Spiritual Formation, and I am passionate about helping other people understand how the experiences of their past have formed them, how to process those things well in the present, and how to communicate effectively about them in their relationships. Few things are as rewarding as walking alongside another human being on the path toward freedom and growth and joy.

The This Odd House title is still relevant today—because now, as a multi-ethnic family, we still stand out in a crowd. Peter and I came to parenthood via a long and difficult road, involving infertility and depression, difficult decisions and a number of disrupted adoptions. God has used the act of writing as a part of the healing process for me. And every time I post, I pray that my meager words might encourage someone else along the way.

The This Odd House title is also inspired by my life-long love for old homes. As a kid, I sat transfixed in front of a tiny black-and-white TV, watching the This Old House television show week after week. When I was eight, I fell in love with a big yellow Victorian house across town in Richfield, Minnesota, where I grew up, and I would beg my mom to drive me by it at any opportunity. My first-ever-blog-post— “Why This Title? Part 1” —tells you more.

Our family currently lives in this 1920s Craftsman home. She’s a perpetual work in progress—as old homes can be. We adore her, but she also overwhelms us and drains our savings account on a semi-regular basis. She makes occasional appearances here on the blog, like in this post—“Growing Up in Good Time.”

But what I most often write about is the work of renovation that our great God continues to do in hearts and lives. Ours and yours.

Here at This Odd House you will find stories, articles, and messages about life and family and faith. My prayer is that this space will help you to…

  • Understand how your past affects your present.
  • Communicate effectively and process pain in a way that leads toward healing.
  • Experience the love that God has for you.
  • See His hand and His glory in both the extraordinary and the everyday.
  • Walk in radical and loving obedience to Him.
  • Join a community of others who are also seeking to grow and heal.

I look forward to connecting with you! JOIN the This Odd House mailing list below to make sure you don’t miss a thing.

If these topics are important and helpful to you, I’ve also written two books—20 Things We’d Tell Our Twentysomething Selves (co-authored with Peter) and Pierced and Embraced: 7 Life-Changing Encounters with the Love of Christwith these same goals in mind. Find more information about the books HERE.

Check out more about my speaking ministry on the “Speaking” tab.

And finally, you can contact me via email at Kelli.Worrall@moody.edu or find me on facebook .

Walking with you—


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